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ESG is  
more than just sustainability



For us, ESG does not just mean sustainability in terms of the environment. Fault tolerance and diversity are lived reality for us. This includes, among other things, high standards of occupational safety and health protection as well as the establishment and observance of strict compliance guidelines. The entire sustainability management is also firmly anchored in our company at board level.

ESG at

Regarding our environment we pursue the clear goal of producing CO2 positively and keeping our entire supply chain CO2 neutral. Biodiversity and waste avoidance are also not up for discussion for us.

Our Social responsibility extends far beyond occupational safety and health protection. Our working conditions exceed standards, our product stewardship includes 100% final inspection and product quality is uncompromising. 

For us, social commitment is not a “nice to have”. We have a responsibility - and we take it 100%.  

Within our compliance we stand up for human rights. Our management includes not only the crisis. But also issue and reputation management. Within the framework of the guidelines, we speak out against corruption and live full transparency internally but also with our partners and customers. 


EU green deal

The EU has set itself the goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. In order to achieve this goal, resources should be used more efficiently, a circular economy should be set up and pollution, such as greenhouse gas emissions, reduced. Corbiota has already implemented these goals. At the same time, we want to help boost sustainable, "green" economic growth in line with the Green Deal.

UN sustainability goals

With the 2030 Agenda adopted in 2015, the world community under the umbrella of the United Nations committed itself to 17 global goals for a better future. The guiding principle of the 2030 Agenda is to enable a dignified life worldwide while at the same time preserving the natural foundations of life in the long term. This includes economic, ecological and social aspects. The 2030 Agenda underlines the joint responsibility of all actors: politics, business, science, civil society - and every single person


Our company is managed according to the ISO standards for social responsibility and practices. ISO 26000 aims to align the company and its activities with social responsibility. The standard supports us in implementing concrete measures for sustainable, social development.


Corbiota is level 1 certified according to ISO 9001.

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