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Above all, "scaling up" means being able to hand over! 🤝

In a start-up, it's normal to do everything yourself, be on hand everywhere, put out every fire and take responsibility for everything yourself. 

That's right and important, because it's the only way we as founders know what positions we need to build up next. 👩🏻‍💻

 However, this no longer works at the latest when you want to scale up. Of course, the overall #responsibility always remains with us as managing directors and founders, but we have to be able to delegate responsibilities and rely on employees being able to do the job at least as well as we do. 💪🏽

This sometimes means that things are done differently than we founders would do, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's worse. 

It's also normal for things to take longer, because more topics need to be agreed with colleagues - and we founders are no longer the all-knowing dumping ground... 🗑️

But being a good employee in a start-up is not just about having the expertise for the job. If the employees are to be worthy replacements for us as founders, they also need to believe in the vision, have a passion for the product and the will to do everything in their position to make our company successful. 🚀

Sometimes we prefer to leave positions vacant a little longer than to fill them with the wrong person. However, we at Corbiota have been very successful in recent weeks and months when it comes to building our team. 

Because that's the only way it works, like here at Andreas Hermes Akademie: Our Junior Product Manager Anouk-Sophie Krings rocks the stage and convinces the audience of us and our vision. Thank you Anouk for believing in our vision just as much as we founders do! 🦄

As you have seen in recent months, our employees represent us on podiums, in programmes abroad and take on responsibility and accountability. Only in this way is it possible to concentrate fully on growth. 📈

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