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Wow - we are totally overwhelmed and mega proud! 🤩

We were awarded as a top employer in agribusiness. 🚀

Being recognized as one of the best employers in our business is a sign of the exceptional commitment and efforts to create a positive and supportive work environment for its employees. 🫶🏼

As part of the survey, a variety of criteria were examined to identify those companies that excelled in excellent working conditions,

employee development, appreciation and equal opportunities.

These include aspects such as career opportunities, employee satisfaction, further training programs, occupational safety and corporate #culture. 🤔

Within the scope of this study, we have not only proven that we excel in the agricultural sector and are perceived as a good employer, but also demonstrate a strong commitment to our employees, as revealed by the internal survey. 💪🏽

This award really means a lot to us, as the topic of corporate culture has been with us very much since the company was founded and we place a lot of value on growing together as a team. 🏆

Especially the industry comparison in the external perception shows us that we are on the right track with our path and also to be successful in the long term - with the best team you could wish for. ❤️

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